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3. Array Functions

3.1 all


Tests if all elements of an array are non-zero


Char_Type all (Array_Type a [,Int_Type dim])


The all function examines the elements of a numeric array and returns 1 if all elements are non-zero, otherwise it returns 0. If a second argument is given, then it specifies the dimension of the array over which the function is to be applied. In this case, the result will be an array with the same shape as the input array minus the specified dimension.


Consider the 2-d array

      1       2       3       4        5
      6       7       8       9       10
generated by
      a = _reshape ([1:10], [2, 5]);
Then all(a) will return 1, and all(a>3, 0) will return a 1-d array
      [0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
Similarly, all(a>3, 1) will return the 1-d array

See Also

where, any, wherediff

3.2 any


Test if any element of an array is non-zero


Char_Type any (Array_Type a [,Int_Type dim])


The any function examines the elements of a numeric array and returns 1 if any element is both non-zero and not a NaN, otherwise it returns 0. If a second argument is given, then it specifies the dimension of the array to be tested.


Consider the 2-d array

      1       2       3       4        5
      6       7       8       9       10
generated by
      a = _reshape ([1:10], [2, 5]);
Then any(a==3) will return 1, and any(a==3, 0) will return a 1-d array with elements:
      0        0       1       0       0

See Also

all, where, wherediff

3.3 array_info


Returns information about an array


(Array_Type, Integer_Type, DataType_Type) array_info (Array_Type a)


The array_info function returns information about the array a. It returns three values: an 1-d integer array specifying the size of each dimension of a, the number of dimensions of a, and the data type of a.


The array_info function may be used to find the number of rows of an array:

    define num_rows (a)
       variable dims, num_dims, data_type;

       (dims, num_dims, data_type) = array_info (a);
       return dims [0];

See Also

typeof, array_shape, length, reshape, _reshape

3.4 array_map


Apply a function to each element of an array


Array_Type array_map (type, func, args...)


(Array_Type, ...) array_map (type, ..., func, args...)

    DataType_Type type, ...;
    Ref_Type func;


The array_map function may be used to apply a function to each element of an array and returns the resulting values as an array of the specified type. The type parameter indicates what kind of array should be returned and generally corresponds to the return type of the function. If the function returns multiple values, then the type of each return value must be given. The first array-valued argument is used to determine the dimensions of the resulting array(s). If any subsequent arguments correspond to an array of the same size, then those array elements will be passed in parallel with the elements of the first array argument.

To use array_map with functions that return no value, either omit the type argument, or explicitly indicate that it returns no value using the Void_Type type.


The first example illustrates how to apply the strlen function to an array of strings.

     S = ["", "Train", "Subway", "Car"];
     L = array_map (Integer_Type, &strlen, S);
This is equivalent to:
     S = ["", "Train", "Subway", "Car"];
     L = Integer_Type [length (S)];
     for (i = 0; i < length (S); i++) L[i] = strlen (S[i]);

Now consider an example involving the strcat function:

     files = ["slang", "slstring", "slarray"];

     exts = ".c";
     cfiles = array_map (String_Type, &strcat, files, exts);
     % ==> cfiles = ["slang.c", "slstring.c", "slarray.c"];

     exts =  [".a",".b",".c"];
     xfiles = array_map (String_Type, &strcat, files, exts);
     % ==> xfiles = ["slang.a", "slstring.b", "slarray.c"];

Here is an example of its application to a function that returns 3 values. Suppose A is an array of arrays whose types and sizes are arbitrary, and we wish to find the indices of A that contain arrays of type String_Type. For this purpose, the array_info function will be used:

    (dims, ndims, types)
        = array_map (Array_Type, Int_Type, DataType_Type, &array_info, A);
    i = where (types == String_Type);

The message function prints a string and returns no value. This example shows how it may be used to print an array of strings:

     a = ["Line 1", "Line 2", "Line 3"];
     array_map (&message, a);              % Form 1
     array_map (Void_Type, &message, a);   % Form 2


Many mathematical functions already work transparently on arrays. For example, the following two statements produce identical results:

     B = sin (A);
     B = array_map (Double_Type, &sin, A);


A number of the string functions have been vectorized, including the strlen function. This means that there is no need to use the array_map function with the strlen function.

See Also

array_info, strlen, strcat, sin

3.5 array_reverse


Reverse the elements of an array


array_reverse (Array_Type a [,Int_Type i0, Int_Type i1] [,Int_Type dim])


In its simplest form, the array_reverse function reverses the elements of an array. If passed 2 or 4 arguments, array_reverse reverses the elements of the specified dimension of a multi-dimensional array. If passed 3 or 4 arguments, the parameters i0 and i1 specify a range of elements to reverse.


If a is a one dimensional array, then

    array_reverse (a, i, j);
    a[[i:j]] = a[[j:i:-1]];
are equivalent to one another. However, the form using array_reverse is about 10 times faster than the version that uses explicit array indexing.

See Also

array_swap, transpose

3.6 array_shape


Get the shape or dimensions of an array


dims = array_shape (Array_Type a)


This function returns an array representing the dimensionality or shape of a specified array. The array_info function also returns this information but for many purposes the array_shape function is more convenient.

See Also

array_info, reshape

3.7 array_sort


Sort an array or opaque object


Array_Type array_sort (obj [, &func [, n]])


The array_sort function may be used to sort an object and returns an integer index array that represents the result of the sort as a permutation.

If a single parameter is passed, that parameter must be an array, which will be sorted into ascending order using a built-in type-specific comparison function.

If two parameters are passed (obj and func), then the first parameter must be the array to be sorted, and the second is a reference to the comparison function. In this case, the comparison function represented by func must take two arguments representing two array elements to be compared, and must return an integer that represents the result of the comparison. The return value must be less than zero if the first parameter is less than the second, zero if they are equal, and a value greater than zero if the first is greater than the second.

If three parameters are passed, then the first argument will be regarded as an opaque object by the sorting algorithm. For this reason, the number of elements represented by the object must also be passed to array_sort function as the third function argument. The second function argument must be a reference to comparison function. In this case, the comparison function will be passed three values: the opaque object, the (0-based) index of the first element to be compared, and the (0-based) index of the second element. The return value must be less than zero if the value of the element at the first index considered to be less than the value of the element at the second index, zero if the values are equal, and a value greater than zero if the first value is greater than the second.

array_sort sorts the array a into ascending order and returns an integer array that represents the result of the sort. If the optional second parameter f is present, the function specified by f will be used to compare elements of a; otherwise, a built-in sorting function will be used.

The integer array returned by this function is simply an index array that indicates the order of the sorted object. The input object obj is not changed.


By default, elements are sorted in ascending order. The dir qualifier may be used to specify the sort direction. Specifically if dir>=0, the sort will be an ascending one, otherwise it will be descending.

The method qualifier may be used to select between the available sorting algorithms. There are currently two algorithms supported: merge-sort and quick-sort. Using method="msort" will cause the merge-sort algorithm to be used. The quick-sort algorithm may be selected using method="qsort".


An array of strings may be sorted using the strcmp function since it fits the specification for the sorting function described above:

     A = ["gamma", "alpha", "beta"];
     I = array_sort (A, &strcmp);
Alternatively, one may use
     variable I = array_sort (A);
to use the built-in comparison function.

After the array_sort has executed, the variable I will have the values [2, 0, 1]. This array can be used to re-shuffle the elements of A into the sorted order via the array index expression A = A[I]. This operation may also be written:

     A = A[array_sort(A)];


A homogeneous list may be sorted by using the opaque form of the array_sort function:

    private define cmp_function (s, i, j)
       if (s[i] > s[j]) return 1;
       if (s[i] < s[j]) return -1;
       return 0;

    list = {};
    % fill list ....
    % now sort it
    i = array_sort (list, &cmp_function, length(list));

    % Create a new sorted list
    list = list[i];
Alternatively one may first convert it to an array and use the built-in comparison function:
    a = list_to_array (list);
    i = array_sort(a);

    % Rearrange the elements
    list[*] = a[i];
to get the effect of an "in-place" sort.


The default sorting algorithm is merge-sort. It has an N*log(N) worst-case runtime compared to quick-sort's worst-case N^2 runtime. The primary advantage of quick-sort is that it uses O(1) additional memory, whereas merge-sort requires O(N) additional memory.

A stable sorting algorithm is one that preserves the order of equal elements. Merge-sort is an inherently stable algorithm, whereas quick-sort is not. Nevertheless, the slang library ensures the stability of the results because it uses the indices themeselves as tie-breakers. As a result, the following two statments may not produce the same results:

     i = array_sort (a; dir=-1);
     i = array_reverse (array_sort (a; dir=1));

See Also

set_default_sort_method, get_default_sort_method, strcmp, list_to_array

3.8 array_swap


Swap elements of an array


array_swap (Array_Type a, Int_Type i, Int_Type j)


The array_swap function swaps the specified elements of an array. It is equivalent to

    (a[i], a[j]) = (a[j], a[i]);
except that it executes several times faster than the above construct.

See Also

array_reverse, transpose

3.9 cumsum


Compute the cumulative sum of an array


result = cumsum (Array_Type a [, Int_Type dim])


The cumsum function performs a cumulative sum over the elements of a numeric array and returns the result. If a second argument is given, then it specifies the dimension of the array to be summed over. For example, the cumulative sum of [1,2,3,4], is the array [1,1+2,1+2+3,1+2+3+4], i.e., [1,3,6,10].

See Also

sum, sumsq

3.10 get_default_sort_method


Get the default sorting method


String_Type get_default_sort_method ()


This function may be used to get the default sorting method used by array_sort. It will return one of the following strings:

    "msort"               Merge-Sort
    "qsort"               Quick-Sort

See Also

set_default_sort_method, array_sort

3.11 init_char_array


Initialize an array of characters


init_char_array (Array_Type a, String_Type s)


The init_char_array function may be used to initialize a Char_Type array a by setting the elements of the array a to the corresponding bytes of the string s.


The statements

     variable a = Char_Type [10];
     init_char_array (a, "HelloWorld");
creates an character array and initializes its elements to the bytes in the string "HelloWorld".


The character array must be large enough to hold all the characters of the initialization string. This function uses byte-semantics.

See Also

bstring_to_array, strlen, strcat

3.12 _isnull


Check an array for NULL elements


Char_Type[] = _isnull (a[])


This function may be used to test for the presence of NULL elements of an array. Specifically, it returns a Char_Type array of with the same number of elements and dimensionality of the input array. If an element of the input array is NULL, then the corresponding element of the output array will be set to 1, otherwise it will be set to 0.


Set all NULL elements of a string array A to the empty string "":

     A[where(_isnull(A))] = "";


It is important to understand the difference between A==NULL and _isnull(A). The latter tests all elements of A against NULL, whereas the former only tests A itself.

See Also

where, array_map

3.13 length


Get the length of an object


Integer_Type length (obj)


The length function may be used to get information about the length of an object. For simple scalar data-types, it returns 1. For arrays, it returns the total number of elements of the array.


If obj is a string, length returns 1 because a String_Type object is considered to be a scalar. To get the number of characters in a string, use the strlen function.

See Also

array_info, array_shape, typeof, strlen

3.14 max


Get the maximum value of an array


result = max (Array_Type a [,Int_Type dim])


The max function examines the elements of a numeric array and returns the value of the largest element. If a second argument is given, then it specifies the dimension of the array to be searched. In this case, an array of dimension one less than that of the input array will be returned with the corresponding elements in the specified dimension replaced by the maximum value in that dimension.


Consider the 2-d array

      1       2       3       4        5
      6       7       8       9       10
generated by
      a = _reshape ([1:10], [2, 5]);
Then max(a) will return 10, and max(a,0) will return a 1-d array with elements
      6       7       8       9       10


This function ignores NaNs in the input array.

See Also

min, maxabs, sum, reshape

3.15 maxabs


Get the maximum absolute value of an array


result = maxabs (Array_Type a [,Int_Type dim])


The maxabs function behaves like the max function except that it returns the maximum absolute value of the array. That is, maxabs(x) is equivalent to max(abs(x). See the documentation for the max function for more information.

See Also

min, max, minabs

3.16 min


Get the minimum value of an array


result = min (Array_Type a [,Int_Type dim])


The min function examines the elements of a numeric array and returns the value of the smallest element. If a second argument is given, then it specifies the dimension of the array to be searched. In this case, an array of dimension one less than that of the input array will be returned with the corresponding elements in the specified dimension replaced by the minimum value in that dimension.


Consider the 2-d array

      1       2       3       4       5
      6       7       8       9       10
generated by
      a = _reshape ([1:10], [2, 5]);
Then min(a) will return 1, and min(a,0) will return a 1-d array with elements
      1        2       3       4       5


This function ignores NaNs in the input array.

See Also

max, sum, reshape

3.17 minabs


Get the minimum absolute value of an array


result = minabs (Array_Type a [,Int_Type dim])


The minabs function behaves like the min function except that it returns the minimum absolute value of the array. That is, minabs(x) is equivalent to min(abs(x). See the documentation for the min function for more information.

See Also

min, max, maxabs

3.18 _reshape


Copy an array to a new shape


Array_Type _reshape (Array_Type A, Array_Type I)


The _reshape function creates a copy of an array A, reshapes it to the form specified by I and returns the result. The elements of I specify the new dimensions of the copy of A and must be consistent with the number of elements A.


If A is a 100 element 1-d array, a new 2-d array of size 20 by 5 may be created from the elements of A by

      B = _reshape (A, [20, 5]);


The reshape function performs a similar function to _reshape. In fact, the _reshape function could have been implemented via:

     define _reshape (a, i)
        a = @a;     % Make a new copy
        reshape (a, i);
        return a;

See Also

reshape, array_shape, array_info

3.19 reshape


Reshape an array


reshape (Array_Type A, Array_Type I)


The reshape function changes the shape of A to have the shape specified by the 1-d integer array I. The elements of I specify the new dimensions of A and must be consistent with the number of elements A.


If A is a 100 element 1-d array, it can be changed to a 2-d 20 by 5 array via

      reshape (A, [20, 5]);
However, reshape(A, [11,5]) will result in an error because the [11,5] array specifies 55 elements.


Since reshape modifies the shape of an array, and arrays are treated as references, then all references to the array will reference the new shape. If this effect is unwanted, then use the _reshape function instead.

See Also

_reshape, array_info, array_shape

3.20 set_default_sort_method


Set the default sorting method


set_default_sort_method (String_Type method)


This function may be used to set the default sorting method used by array_sort. The following methods are supported:

    "msort"               Merge-Sort
    "qsort"               Quick-Sort

See Also

get_default_sort_method, array_sort

3.21 sum


Sum over the elements of an array


result = sum (Array_Type a [, Int_Type dim])


The sum function sums over the elements of a numeric array and returns its result. If a second argument is given, then it specifies the dimension of the array to be summed over. In this case, an array of dimension one less than that of the input array will be returned.

If the input array is an integer type, then the resulting value will be a Double_Type. If the input array is a Float_Type, then the result will be a Float_Type.


The mean of an array a of numbers is


See Also

cumsum, sumsq, transpose, reshape

3.22 sumsq


Sum over the squares of the elements of an array


result = sumsq (Array_Type a [, Int_Type dim])


The sumsq function sums over the squares of the elements of a numeric array and returns its result. If a second argument is given, then it specifies the dimension of the array to be summed over. In this case, an array of dimension one less than that of the input array will be returned.

If the input array is an integer type, then the resulting value will be a Double_Type. If the input array is a Float_Type, then the result will be a Float_Type.

For complex arrays, the sum will be over the squares of the moduli of the complex elements.

See Also

cumsum, sumsq, hypot, transpose, reshape

3.23 transpose


Transpose an array


Array_Type transpose (Array_Type a)


The transpose function returns the transpose of a specified array. By definition, the transpose of an array, say one with elements a[i,j,...k] is an array whose elements are a[k,...,j,i].

See Also

_reshape, reshape, sum, array_info, array_shape

3.24 where


Array_Type where (Array_Type a [, Ref_Type jp])


The where function examines a numeric array a and returns an integer array giving the indices of a where the corresponding element of a is non-zero. The function accepts an optional Ref_Type argument that will be set to complement set of indices, that is, the indices where a is zero. In fact

     i = where (a);
     j = where (not a);
     i = where (a, &j);
are equivalent, but the latter form is preferred since it executes about twice as fast as the former.

The where function can also be used with relational operators and with the boolean binary or and and operators, e.g.,

     a = where (array == "a string");
     a = where (array <= 5);
     a = where (2 <= array <= 10);
     a = where ((array == "a string") or (array == "another string"));
Using in the last example the short-circuiting || and && operators, will result in a TypeMismatchError exception.

Although this function may appear to be simple or even trivial, it is arguably one of the most important and powerful functions for manipulating arrays.


Consider the following:

    variable X = [0.0:10.0:0.01];
    variable A = sin (X);
    variable I = where (A < 0.0);
    A[I] = cos (X) [I];
Here the variable X has been assigned an array of doubles whose elements range from 0.0 through 10.0 in increments of 0.01. The second statement assigns A to an array whose elements are the sin of the elements of X. The third statement uses the where function to get the indices of the elements of A that are less than 0. Finally, the last statement replaces those elements of A by the cosine of the corresponding elements of X.


Support for the optional argument was added to version 2.1.0.

See Also

wherefirst, wherelast, wherenot, wherediff, array_info, array_shape, _isnull

3.25 wherediff


Get the indices where adjacent elements differ


Array_Type wherediff (Array_Type A [, Ref_Type jp])


This function returns an array of the indices where adjacent elements of the array A differ. If the optional second argument is given, it must be a reference to a variable whose value will be set to the complement indices (those where adjacient elements are the same).

The returned array of indices will consist of those elements i where A[i] != A[i-1]. Since no element preceeds the 0th element, A[0] differs from its non-existing preceeding element; hence the index 0 will a member of the returned array.


Suppose that A = [1, 1, 3, 0, 0, 4, 7, 7]. Then,

     i = wherediff (A, &j);
will result in i = [0, 2, 3, 5, 6] and j = [1, 4, 7].


Higher dimensional arrays are treated as a 1-d array of contiguous elements.

See Also

where, wherenot

3.26 wherefirst


Get the index of the first non-zero array element


Int_Type wherefirst (Array_Type a [,start_index])


The wherefirst function returns the index of the first non-zero element of a specified array. If the optional parameter start_index is given, the search will take place starting from that index. If a non-zero element is not found, the function will return NULL.


The single parameter version of this function is equivalent to

     define wherefirst (a)
        variable i = where (a);
        if (length(i))
          return i[0];
          return NULL;

See Also

where, wherelast, wherelast<@@ref>wherfirstminwherfirstmin, wherelast<@@ref>wherfirstminwherfirstmin<@@ref>wherfirstmaxwherfirstmax

3.27 wherefirstmax


Get the index of the first maximum array value


Int_Type wherefirstmax (Array_Type a)


This function is equivalent to

   index = wherefirst (a == max(a));
It executes about 3 times faster, and does not require the creation of temporary arrays.

See Also

wherefirst, wherefirstmax, wherelastmin, min, max

3.28 wherefirstmin


Get the index of the first minimum array value


Int_Type wherefirstmin (Array_Type a)


This function is equivalent to

   index = wherefirst (a == min(a));
It executes about 3 times faster, and does not require the creation of temporary arrays.

See Also

wherefirst, wherelastmin, wherefirstmax, min, max

3.29 wherelast


Get the index of the last non-zero array element


Int_Type wherelast (Array_Type a [,start_index])


The wherelast function returns the index of the last non-zero element of a specified array. If the optional parameter start_index is given, the backward search will take place starting from that index. If a non-zero element is not found, the function will return NULL.


The single parameter version of this function is equivalent to

     define wherelast (a)
        variable i = where (a);
        if (length(i))
          return i[-1];
          return NULL;

See Also

where, wherefirst, wherelastmin, wherelastmax

3.30 wherelastmax


Get the index of the last maximum array value


Int_Type wherelastmax (Array_Type a)


This function is equivalent to

   index = wherelast (a == max(a));
It executes about 3 times faster, and does not require the creation of temporary arrays.

See Also

wherelast, wherefirstmin, wherelastmin, min, max

3.31 wherelastmin


Get the index of the last minimum array value


Int_Type wherelastmin (Array_Type a)


This function is equivalent to

   index = wherelast (a == min(a));
It executes about 3 times faster, and does not require the creation of temporary arrays.

See Also

wherelast, wherefirstmin, wherelastmax, min, max

3.32 wherenot


Get indices where a numeric array is 0


Array_Type wherenot (Array_Type a)


This function is equivalent to where(not a). See the documentation for where for more information.

See Also

where, wherediff, wherefirst, wherelast

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